New laser in use
Recently, our laboratory was equipped with the Amplitude Tangor 300 IR, a versatile femtosecond laser that can operate in the femto- to picosecond range. With its adjustable pulse duration and high power, it enables us to carry out high-precision investigations in laser material processing and laser microprocessing.
The ability to switch between different time ranges considerably expands our experimental spectrum. The high-power ultrashort pulse laser is used for research into the efficient processing of additively manufactured parts. On the one hand, AM parts can be structured or polished in order to further improve the surface properties. By using the laser in an AM machine, an alternating manufacturing process is supported. On the other hand, due to the high average laser power, the system is very well able to melt the powder material directly in order to produce parts with even higher dimensional accuracy or resolution.
The technical highlights of the Amplitude Tangor 300 IR include
- Pulse duration: Femto- to picosecond range (500 fs – 10 ps) adjustable 1030nm wavelength
- Up to 300W average power thanks to 3 mJ pulse energy at 100 kHz
- Applications in materials science, micro manufacturing and additive manufacturing
With this technology, we are expanding our possibilities in the fields of materials science, micro manufacturing and additive manufacturing and are looking forward to integrating the laser into future projects.