Workshop Additive Manufacturing @ LPT
The 32nd International SAOT Workshop entitled “Additive Manufacturing – Experimental process development” was held at the LPT on 2nd and 3rd December 2019. For two days, renowned speakers from the growing research field of additive manufacturing presented the latest developments and achievements in this research area to an audience of over 70 participants.
Besides the representatives of FAU, Prof. Schmidt and Prof. Drummer, and other german universities, scientists from other parts of the world were present. Prof. Colosimo from Italy presented her research on in-situ process monitoring. Prof. Toyserkani from Canada presented his work on statistical and experimental methods for rapid optimization of process parameters. Prof. Wegener and Prof. Drezet came from Switzerland.
After the scientific program a joint excursion to the Nuremberg “Christkindlesmarkt” was undertaken, followed by a dinner at the Heilig-Geist-Spital (16.01.20).